D-tecnoLife (Single)
"D-tecnoLife" is the debut single by the Japanese band Uverworld and was released on July 6, 2005. Due to the immense popularity of the anime series BLEACH, this single smashed the Oricon chart by securing a position of #4 on the Oricon #200 weekly peak. This single is also the only few singles that consist of four tracks till date. This single sold 103,104 units and became the #99 best-selling single of 2005. It has been charted for 30 weeks.
Track listing
- D-tecnoLife
- Mixed-Up
- Ai ta Kokoro (ai ta 心?)
- D-tecnoLife (TV size)
- TAKUYA∞ - vocals, programming
- Katsuya - guitar
- Akira - guitar
- Nobuto - bass
- Shintarou - drums